Old Jerseys Bring New Smiles!

TOFC recently donated old club jerseys and equipment to the North Hope Football Teams in Uganda.  The smiling faces of the youth pictured says it all!  Boys and girls teams alike were ecstatic to receive the jerseys which arrived just in time for an upcoming match!  Excerpt from their letter of thanks…..

“I just wanted to thank you on behalf of the Hope North Football Teams (girls and boys) for the jerseys and soccer balls. Hope North is a “refuge” in northern Uganda for students (ex-child soldiers, child “wives” and children of) who were affected by the war with Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army. Sam Okelo, founder, has put through over 3000 of these students through his school.

The girls were especially excited as they had an upcoming game the next Saturday, against Stella Secondary School, and they had no jerseys. They were very proud of them!”

Congratulations to those who took the time and made the effort to make this a reality!